I have a bad feeling about this For everyone that has read any history, or even paid passing attention in High School, this must instil a familiar, horrifying feeling. Each age thinks they’re different and unique. I don’t means years, I mean stage of civilisation. Maybe part of it is the state of photography until recently. The world of the…
Author: MK Macpherson
How I write
Why would you care? Well, it’s always interesting, if nothing else, to see how other people do the things you do. Perhaps some small parts of their routines may be useful. Even in a negative sense. The scientific method is like that, finding out what doesn’t work (for you, with writing) is a valid result. I don’t use a quill…
The Field Equations. Daxx’s solution.
When Daxx began working as a theoretical physicist, gravity had been solved. It was spacetime curvature. Time itself was a relative thing, depending on where you were in a gravity well or how fast you were travelling. The discrete nature of the constituents of the universe had been well described. They also had odd properties that depended on the observer.…
Outlining thoughts
Novelists consider their writing method to be either an outliner (they make notes on plot, plot progression, character changes, etc) or a pantser (a seat of the pants writer who starts with a blank page and just, well, writes). They argue which is better. Outliners consider a pantser ambitious. Do pantsers really think they can write a first draft that…